Petition to save Cardiff Museum



Cardiff Council is proposing to close Cardiff Museum’s permanent home at the Old Library and force it to become a mobile exhibition without a home, in order to save money.


To sign our petition to Cardiff Council, please complete the form on the right. The petition reads:

“I believe that the Cardiff Museum is an essential resource for Cardiff which already provides services across all Cardiff’s communities. I believe that the mobile  museum proposal is simply a gateway to closing the museum.  A permanent base allows museum staff to build relationships such as the Dinky Dragons toddler days, the school children Takeover days, the reminiscence work and the many communities who have curated their own displays inside the museum.  

Closing the museum’s permanent home will damage relationships with all those who have funded the museum, such as the National Lottery. There is also the impact of closing the museum, so soon after receiving grant aid, on all future heritage funding bids. It will damage relationships with those who have given their objects and time and trusted Cardiff City Council with their memories.

The future of the building as a public space in Cardiff and access to the  magnificent tiled corridor are also in danger.

Cardiff would be a capital city which could damage the  prospects of anyone investing in the city’s heritage in future. Closing the museum would be an affront to the city’s proud working class heritage.  The proposed annual saving of £300,000 do not justify this proposal.”


As part of its consultation on its budget for 2023-24, Cardiff Council will be consulting on the future of Cardiff Museum. If you sign the petition we will provide you with key updates on steps you may wish to take to support efforts to retain Cardiff Museum. We will not send emails relating to any other matters or share your details with anyone else. The petition will be presented to Cardiff council as part of the formal consultation process.


Cardiff Civic Society was introduced to Prof Jane Henderson who is a long time supporter of Cardiff Museum and a a Professor of Heritage Conservation at Cardiff University. She was among those who have been prominent in opposing the Council’s plans. We have prepared this petition jointly with Prof Henderson’s support, on behalf of all those who wish to maintain a permanent home for the Cardiff Story.

More information about the council’s plans can be found at page 27 of Cardiff Council’s draft budget report to Cabinet on 22 December 2022.

More information about Cardiff Museum and its activities can be found on their website.


Action plan for campaign groups